Rapid Re-Housing Written Standards
In accordance with Title 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations (24 CFR) 91.220(l)(4)(i), 576, and 578, the City of Pasadena (City) and the Pasadena Partnership to End Homelessness (Pasadena CoC) have developed the following written standards. These standards will apply to all projects that receive Pasadena Continuum of Care (CoC) and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) rapid re-housing (RRH) funding and are intended as basic minimum standards to which ESG and CoC grantees can add additions and more stringent standards applicable to their own projects. In addition, all RRH projects must comply with the applicable Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) under which the project was originally awarded.
The goal of these standards is to synthesize key elements of the HUD regulations with the processes and priorities of the Pasadena CoC and ensure that the RRH program is administered fairly and methodically. The City and the Pasadena CoC will continue to build upon and refine this document.
The Rapid Re-Housing Written Standards detail the target population, eligibility criteria, record keeping requirements and program requirements for ESG- and CoC-funded projects.
Download PDFThis document summarizes the significant similarities and differences in the eligible costs for rapid re-housing assistance administered under the Continuum of Care (CoC), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), California Emergency Solutions and Housing (CESH) and Measure H programs.
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