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Since 1995, the Pasadena Partnership to End Homelessness has served as the lead agency for the Pasadena Continuum of Care. The Continuum of Care (CoC) is a planning process implemented by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 1994. As one of the largest sources of federal funding for programs that address the needs of people who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless, HUD recognized the need for a more coordinated, collaborative, and community-driven approach to allocating resources to communities. The Continuum of Care process is the process by which communities identify local needs, develop strategies, and submit a single application to HUD for funding for programs designed to meet the needs in the community.

The Pasadena Partnership is governed by a Board of Directors composed of representatives from the community. In its role as the lead agency for the CoC, the Pasadena Partnership promotes integrated, community-wide strategies and plans to prevent and end homelessness; provides coordination among the numerous local organizations and initiatives that serve the homeless population, and manage the CoC’s single, comprehensive grant application to HUD for McKinney-Vento funding which includes Continuum of Care funds and State Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds.

Our Mission

The Pasadena Partnership to End Homelessness is dedicated to planning and developing evidence-based strategies to prevent and end homelessness in Pasadena, CA.

2024 CoC NOFO

HUD released the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for the 2024 CoC Program Competition, FR-6800-N-25, on July 31, 2024, making available approximately $3.52 billion to serve people experiencing homelessness nationwide. The information in the NOFO sets forth the competition rules and processes for the 2024 competition. Before the final application is submitted to HUD, the Pasadena CoC is required to hold a local competition to determine which projects will be included in the consolidated application, along with their ranked priority. The results of the local competition dictate which projects the CoC will include in the final application for funding.

Renewal projects are required to submit a renewal application by 5:00 p.m. PST on September 10, 2024 and all new projects must submit applications no later than 5:00 p.m. PST on September 25, 2024 to be considered for inclusion in the CoC application. Applications submitted after the corresponding deadline will not be considered for funding.

All applicants will be notified if their project was either accepted for inclusion in the CoC application or rejected in writing no later than October 14, 2024 All projects that are recommended for funding will be required to work with City staff to ensure all information is accurate and submitted in HUD’s grant management system (eSnaps) before the competition deadline of October 30, 2024.

CoC-funded projects that have been notified they are eligible for renewal in CoC competition can find more information about the process here.

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New projects are created through both CoC Bonus and Reallocation funding during the program competition. Applicants interested in applying for eligible program types can find more information here.

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CoC Application

The CoC Application contains information on the CoC planning body, governance structure, overall performance, and strategic planning process. The CoC Consolidated Application is made up on the following three parts:
1. CoC Application
2. Project Applications
3. Priority Listing

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