Coordinated Entry System Forms
The Coordinated Entry System serves all individuals and families who are literally homeless according to the Category 1 HUD definition of homelessness. Households that are not literally homeless are connected with homeless prevention programs and/or encouraged to reach out to family and friends as well as alternative community resources, such as their places of worship, for assistance.
Assessment Tool
CES utilizes the Vulnerability Index – Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool (VI-SPDAT) as the common assessment tool to screen and prioritize single individuals experiencing homelessness. Families receive the family version of the assessment, the F-VI-SPDAT. The assessment takes approximately 10 minutes to administer and can be conducted by any provider who has been introduced to the VI-SPDAT tool through a 30 minute video followed by a Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) training on how to record its results into the LA/OC HMIS.
Housing Status Certification Forms
To help agencies ensure program eligibility and compliance with HUD’s recordkeeping requirements, the Pasadena Partnership has developed Certification checklists that should be accompanied by applicable supporting documentation (such as homeless status, disability, institutional stay or income). Together, these documents must be maintained in the client’s file.
Documentation of Homeless Status
In order of preference for documenting homeless status, Pasadena Partnership’s homeless status verification forms include:
*When documenting chronic homelessness, 9 of the 12 months or 3 of the 4 occasions must be documented through one of the first three methods. The remaining time period can be documented through self-declaration.
Documentation of Disability
Evidence of disability may include (in order of preference):
E.g. Social Security Disability Insurance or Veterans Disability Compensation
Confirmed by a Certification of Disability form < 45 days after application for assistance
Documentation of Institutional Stay
In addition to documenting disability and length/frequency of homeless status, individuals residing in an institution for less than 90 days (including a jail, substance abuse or mental health treatment facility, hospital, or other similar facility) must provide documentation of their stay. Acceptable evidence includes either: