Permanent Supportive Housing Forms
The target population for Pasadena’s CoC-PSH is chronically homeless individuals or families. To verify chronic homeless status, programs should complete a Certification of Chronic Homeless Status checklist which should be accompanied by supporting documentation of homeless status and disability, or a DedicatedPLUS Verification Packet. Together, these documents must be maintained in the client’s file.
HUD Housing Quality Standards Guidance & Inspection Forms
Links to the HUD Housing Quality Standards Guidance & Inspection Forms for CoC-funded Permanent Supportive Housing Projects are provided below.
Documentation of Homeless Status
In order of preference for documenting homeless status, Pasadena Partnership’s homeless status verification forms include:
*When documenting chronic homelessness, 9 of the 12 months or 3 of the 4 occasions must be documented through one of the first three methods. The remaining time period can be documented through self-declaration.
Documentation of Disability
Evidence of disability may include (in order of preference):
E.g. Social Security Disability Insurance or Veterans Disability Compensation
Confirmed by a Certification of Disability form < 45 days after application for assistance
Documentation of Institutional Stay
In addition to documenting disability and length/frequency of homeless status, individuals residing in an institution for less than 90 days (including a jail, substance abuse or mental health treatment facility, hospital, or other similar facility) must provide documentation of their stay. Acceptable evidence includes either: