Language Access Plan
The Pasadena Partnership is committed to improving the accessibility of its programs and services to non-English speakers and limited English proficient (“LEP”) persons. In accordance with Title VI of the Civils Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and to ensure LEP persons can fully participate in the Continuum of Care’s services, the City of Pasadena and its contracted agencies will provide necessary interpretation services for verbal communication and translation of vital documents.
Below is a video recording of the Language Access Information Session provided on December 3, 2024.
In addition, see helpful links below referenced in the 12.03.2024 Language Access Information Session above:
12.03.2024 Language Access Information Session Presentation Slide Deck
The links below provide more information about the topics referenced in the 12.03.2024 Language Access Information Slide Deck above:
Examples of “I Speak” cards can be found at
Multilingual System And Programmatic Documents:
Document Library:
HUD’s official LEP website: