The Pasadena Partnership to End Homelessness was formed during the spring of 1991, under the direction of an ad hoc group of housing and homeless service providers and the City of Pasadena. The Partnership began as an effort to coordinate homeless and housing service delivery.
Through this effort, a housing and homeless strategic plan was developed. The process worked so well that group members decided to form a coalition and meet on a regular basis. The coalition met for the first time in December of 1991 and set as its primary goal the implementation of the goals outlined in the strategic plan to address homelessness in Pasadena.
Beginning in 1995, the Network became the HUD designated Pasadena Continuum of Care, a principal planning entity that submits Continuum of Care applications to HUD. It has also been the principal planning entity for the City’s Consolidated Plan submissions.
Over the years the Partnership has grown into a diverse group of public and private stakeholders representing over 50 organizations. Representatives are committed to implementing an effective citywide continuum of care system.