Street Outreach
Street Outreach programs are principally focused to one goal: that of supporting persons experiencing homelessness in achieving some form of permanent, sustainable housing. While Street Outreach teams may use incentives to encourage trust and build relationships, or to ensure that homeless households’ emergency needs are met, permanent housing is the end goal of these programs rather than simply seeking to alleviate the burden of living on the streets.
Currently, the City of Pasadena funds Street Outreach programs through the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) program and the Continuum of Care (CoC) program. The target population for this program is unsheltered homeless individuals and families. To help minimize barriers and ensure immediate access to housing, street outreach programs enter all individuals and families into Pasadena’s Coordinated Entry System (CES).
The Street Outreach Written Standards detail the target population, eligible activities, program requirements, and system performance measures for ESG- and CoC-funded projects.
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