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Since 1995, the Pasadena Partnership to End Homelessness has served as the lead agency for the Pasadena Continuum of Care. The Continuum of Care (CoC) is a planning process implemented by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in 1994. As one of the largest sources of federal funding for programs that address the needs of people who are homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless, HUD recognized the need for a more coordinated, collaborative, and community-driven approach to allocating resources to communities. The Continuum of Care process is the process by which communities identify local needs, develop strategies, and submit a single application to HUD for funding for programs designed to meet the needs in the community.

The Pasadena Partnership is governed by a Board of Directors composed of representatives from the community. In its role as the lead agency for the CoC, the Pasadena Partnership promotes integrated, community-wide strategies and plans to prevent and end homelessness; provides coordination among the numerous local organizations and initiatives that serve the homeless population, and manage the CoC’s single, comprehensive grant application to HUD for McKinney-Vento funding which includes Continuum of Care funds and State Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funds.

Our Mission

The Pasadena Partnership to End Homelessness is dedicated to planning and developing evidence-based strategies to prevent and end homelessness in Pasadena, CA.


The Pasadena Partnership is the primary planning entity coordinating resources to end homelessness in our community. Our mission is simple but powerful: housing first. We believe that providing a stable home is the foundation for better health, education, and economic opportunities. 



Our Homelessness Plan outlines ambitious targets to reduce homelessness in Pasadena by 50% by 2028. With the collective action of our community and proven strategies, we aim to make homelessness rare, brief, and non-recurring.



Learn more about the resources available in Pasadena to help you connect with housing and emergency support services.

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